cargo terminal design services

We offer skilled personnel to help with the implementation of a terminal operating system including, but not limited to vendor management, process documentation and/or process refinement so our customers can take full advantage of TOS capabilities, plan data migration, testing, training, and go-live support. With any TOS implementation, integration to other systems is the key to success.

Our TOS Services include:

  • TOS Optimization Workshop. These cost-efficient workshops will improve your site's usage of TOS optimization modules, and result in more efficient terminal operations.
  • TOS Implementation. Cargo Velocity can assist with any aspect of an implementation or upgrade project. Some examples: project management, gap analysis, documentation, test planning, TOS configuration, training, and go-live support.

  • TOS Configuration. A TOS implementation is not successful unless the configuration is correct. Cargo Velocity has expertise in numerous areas including groovy coding, EDI mapping, gate configuration, optimization parameters, and more.
  • Technology and Planning Services. Cargo Velocity's expertise in terminal operations can help evaluate the value of new technologies for your terminal and gage the potential for return on investment.

Cargo Velocity's Remote TOS Support

Terminal operators these days are extremely busy keeping the terminal running, working on projects, and staying up to date with technology updates. With Cargo Velocity's TOS support service, you can augment your existing staff with expert technical resources to assist with TOS support, implementations, upgrade testing, or any special projects, all while providing a professional consulting approach. If your team needs additional resources on a temporary or semi-permanent basis, please consider Cargo Velocity's TOS experts to fill your needs.

Additional benefits to Cargo Velocity's TOS Support:

  • Daily Monitoring and System Health Checks
  • 3rd Party Support Case Management
  • Technical Support for N4 Environment Installation, New Installs, or Upgrades
  • Extra resource for N4 Upgrade and Regression Testing
  • Vacation Coverage
  • Internal Documentation Support
  • Status Reports and IT Team Support Coordination Calls
  • Project Management Support


The Pasha Group Pier 51 Honolulu Terminal: TOS Implementation

Cargo Velocity was hired by The Pasha Group in 2014 to act as the implementation partner for the installation of the Navis N4 TOS at the Pier 51 Honolulu Terminal. Cargo Velocity interacted with terminal and Horizon Lines staff, coordinated efforts among multiple vendors, and contributed to implementation activities. From configuration and data conversion to go-live planning, our consultants were involved in every aspect of the project. The N4 implementation was completed within 90 days from signing until go-live, a record for the TOS vendor. The Pasha Group called this "an absolutely phenomenal accomplishment a well-executed plan by a dedicated, tireless team."

cargo velocity